Thursday, April 30, 2015

Hey guys!

With the devastation in Nepal with the recent earthquake, I wanted to share an organization that I am working to support. A friend of mine is working with the Cloudbase Foundation and the donation page is here -

They are a group of paragliders that also work to help the people of Nepal in many other ways. This group was one of - if not THE - first group to get to the remote area just north of Gorkha, which is close to the epicenter of the quake. Watch the video below to understand the level of devastation they are facing.

Situation this morning. Since this time helicopter has landed at Saurapani to bring the severely injured to hospital. Our team has distributed all our supplies to the small villages above. Some people will eat and sleep dry tonight due to your generosity. Thank you donors. Many people are streaming past on foot heading to Barpak, which we know was totally destroyed. They are going there to search for their families members. They are asking us for the most basic of supplies for their dangerous trek to this totally cut off region: plastic tarps to stay dry and some food. We are waiting for our resupply vehicles to arrive from Pokhara as we have fully exhausted our resources. In addition it's now again raining heavily.

Posted by Isabella Messenger on Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Please give what you can! Again, to donate -