Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Hello, everyone!

My name is Walt Zink. Come October, I will be visiting Nepal to trek through the Annapurna Himal for a second time. From the moment I arrived back home in early November of 2011, I have had the desire to go back. This time, I wanted to use the opportunity to also raise money for an organization. The organization I will raise for on this trip will be the World Wildlife Fund.

My reason for picking this organization is simple: we must work to help save the countless animals and the habitats that are lost. In the long run, this affects our environment and thus our ability to sustain our livelihood. I truly feel that everything is connected in even a small way. When one species becomes extinct, it is possibly the food supply for another species, and so on.

I could have picked any number of organizations to help. All would have been worthy, in my mind. I simply want to focus on this year's fundraising, and will soon start putting together letters and videos to send to companies that cater to those that are also passionate about the outdoors. When I have a page set up where you can donate, I will let you know.

Next post? Pictures from my last trip, as well as ideas on what I will do while on the next trek to keep everyone posted. Thank you for taking the time to read, and please do write a note below if you would like to help! Share this page!

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